These electrodes align with similar cast alloys derived from alloy Supertherm (Duraloy), which shares a connection with the cobalt-free alloy 22H (Duraloy). The high carbon high alloy matrix imparts exceptional hot strength and oxidation resistance, particularly at service temperatures ranging from 950-1250°C. The inclusion of cobalt and tungsten becomes crucial for sustaining matrix strength beyond approximately 1150°C, where carbides progressively dissolve. A higher nickel content contributes to the alloy's robust resistance to carburization, while under oxidizing conditions, the elevated chromium content provides valuable resistance to sulfidation. Applications for this alloy encompass highly stressed furnace parts, sintering and calcining muffles, cement kiln components resistant to hot abrasion, radiant tubes, and pyrolysis coils. Due to the alloy's low ductility, combined with the high strength and residual stress levels inherent in multipass welds, preheating is often recommended. For thicker sections, a preheat of 300°C or more may be advisable.
Alloy Type
0.5%C-25÷28%Cr-35÷50%Ni-0÷15%Co-5%W cast alloy for elevated temperature service.
The as-welded microstructure consists of high alloy austenite with primary eutectic and secondary carbides.
  • EN W.Nr.: 2.4879 (G-NiCr28W), G-X45NiCrWSi 48 28
  • PROPRIETARY: Supertherm® (Duraloy), Lloyds T66 (LBA), Centralloy® ET35Co, 4879 (Schmidt+Clemens), Manaurite® 35K, 50W (Manoir Industries), Alloy 22H®, Super 22H® (Duraloy), Paralloy H48T (Doncasters Paralloy), Marker G4879 (Schmidt+Clemens), HR23 (Cronite), Lloyds T75 (LBA), Thermalloy T75 (Manoir Industries)

Products of the line 22H

Product name Process AWS specifications EN ISO specifications
G-TECH 26.50.4W SMAW - -


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