The weld metal, devoid of a directly equivalent parent material, nonetheless shares its composition characteristics with Inconel 600. Mo and Nb are incorporated to confer robust resistance to hot cracking, allowing tolerance to dilution by various combinations of nickel base and ferrous alloys, while maintaining stable properties across an extensive service temperature range from –269°C to above 900°C. Significantly, the presence of Mo enhances elevated temperature properties, particularly beyond about 600°C. These consumables find application in welding heat-resistant or high-nickel alloys to themselves, serving in furnace equipment and petrochemical plants up to around 900°C. They are also well-suited for dissimilar combinations of the aforementioned alloys and others, such as Monel 400 and Incoloy 825, to stainless, low alloy C-Mn steels without requiring preheating. Stress relief measures can be implemented if necessary, and transition welds for high-temperature service exhibit good structural stability. Furthermore, they prove effective in low-temperature scenarios, such as 3%Ni or 5%Ni steels used in cryogenic vessels and pipework operating at or below –100°C. The specific requirements for preheat and post-weld heat treatment (PWHT) depend on the base material being welded, with the majority of nickel-base materials not necessitating preheat or PWHT.
Alloy Type
Inconel™ type consumables similar to DAIKO 82 but with lower Mn and a Mo addition.
In the as-welded condition this nickel base weld metal consists of austenite with a few carbides.
Nickel base steel or high nickel alloys to themselves and to mild, low alloy, and stainless steels. Cryogenic 3-5%Ni steels.
  • PROPRIETARY: Inconel® 600, 601 (Special Metals), Incoloy® 800, 800H, DS (Special Metals), Nilo® (Special Metals), Brightray® (Special Metals)

Products of the line WELD-A

Product name Process AWS specifications EN ISO specifications
AWS A5.11
EN ISO 14172
E Ni 6092


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